Magnolia Family Dental is dedicated to giving you a beautiful healthy smile that looks and feels great.
If you suffer from grinding or clenching your teeth, Magnolia Family Dental has the solution for you.
Bruxism is a condition that affects both children and adults. Some people with bruxism unconsciously clench their teeth together during the day, often when they feel anxious or tense. This is different from tooth grinding or clenching that occurs at night, which is called sleep bruxism. Most children who are bruxers do so at night, while adults are either daytime or nighttime bruxers.
Bruxism may be mild and may not even require treatment. However, it can be frequent and severe enough to lead to jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems. Unfortunately, people with sleep bruxism usually aren't aware of the habit, so they aren't diagnosed with the condition until complications occur. That's why it's important to know the signs and symptoms of bruxism and to seek regular dental care.
The simplest and most common treatment for Bruxism is the utilization of a nightguard. This appliance will prevent wear and tooth fractures and is designed to help the muscles of your jaw relax and maintain the health of the Temporo-Mandibluar-Joint. The night guards we make in our office are true works of art. It is a multi-step procedure to construct an injection molded hard appliance that fits your bite precisely. These are easy to clean, durable, and comfortable to wear. People who have had poorly made night guards can't believe the difference!
Magnolia Family Dental will pinpoint the source of your pain and provide great relief by using the very latest in gentle, nonsurgical treatments.
Call or email the office to learn more about how we effectively treat bruxism.